Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What is a bingo

Bingo is a prize game played in halls. Basically, players buy cards with numbers on them in a 5 x 5 grid corresponding to the five letters in the word BINGO. Numbers such as B-2 or 0-68 are then drawn at random (out of a possible 75 in American Bingo, and 90 in British and Australian Bingo) until one player completes a `Bingo` line with five numbers in a vertical, horizontal or diagonal row on one of their cards and wins the prize.

The objective of any style of bingo is to complete the game pattern on your bingo card before any other player. If you do, you have a "bingo" and win the prize. Easy! When playing online, your bingo cards are randomly selected for you. Most online games give you 3 or 4 cards. Other games let you take more. Every online bingo game has a caller or a display board for the bingo numbers. The game pattern is also displayed. It`s important to pay attention to the pattern. You only need the numbers that form the pattern to win the game. Some patterns are much easier than others to complete. The most basic patterns are straight lines in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal direction. Another simple and popular game is the "blackout" or "coverall" where you have to cover the whole card. The numbers are announced quickly, usually 10 seconds apart, so you must pay careful attention to the numbers that are called and mark them quickly and accurately on your cards. Some games automatically mark the numbers on your card for you, but that takes much of the fun out of the game.

The game of bingo has fast become the crème of the crop in free online gaming. In almost every city, you will be able to find at least one place with the availability where you can play the game. There are however a lot of places that do not offer free bingo games, for these places the angelic light of online bingo comes into existence, People from cities where the game is not available in tradition halls, can not play the game online. To win a game of bingo requires no skill as such, just a bit of good old fashioned free game luck and alot of concentration.

Bingo Rules , Bingo Pattern Variants , Bingo Strategy , Bingo Type , Bingo Tips & Tricks

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