Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Memory Match Game

The player select the category he/she want to select, then is able to click on the "cards" one-at-a-time, revealing the cards underneath, and then clicking on the second card and matching the card with the first one.

As matches are made, the photos remain revealed, and the game ends when all the photos are revealed. The cards face remain down, when incorrectly matched.

Game Scoring

The points scoring in this game (Per matched pairs) depends on the number of times you clicked the card. One click gets you 300 points and two clicks gets you 200 points. For 3, 4, 5, 6, or a higher number of clicks, you would get 100, 50, 25, 10 or 0 points, respectively. For example, if you click on one tile of a pair once and the other one twice, you would receive 500 (= 300 + 200) points.

How to Score Bonus

If you complete the puzzle in less than 60 seconds, you get a time bonus. This bonus is 50 times the remaining number of seconds, up to 60 seconds. Partial seconds are included in this calculation.

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