Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Backgammon Tips

Some of the basic tips to play backgammon are following:

Bearing off Checkers – In most cases, your safest bet is to bear off your checkers from the board without thinking too much about it. Your best strategy would be to remove your checkers with both dice,

Keep Checkers off Low Points
– If you want to avoid restricting your future options in the game, a good tip is to refrain from placing your checkers on low points early on in the game – especially points 1 and 2.

The Doubling Cube – Remember that you can redouble immediately after your opponent has doubled. You should also double (if you can) if you are about to lose the match, if your opponent wins the game at the present cube value.You should accept a double when your chances of winning the game are at least 25%.

Avoid Wasting pips – If you want to avoid wasting pips, you should aim for a downward sloping formation when removing checkers from the backgammon board. Bearing in mind of course, that you cannot hit, or be hit, you should aim for an uneven distribution when positioning your checkers to bear off from the board. Aim for a larger stack on point #6, with a slope down to #3 or #4. This avoids the necessity to use your higher numbers (eg. 5 or 6) to bear off from a #4, for example, later in the game.

Avoid Abandoning Anchors – It is usually wise to avoid abandoning your anchors or holding points when you are behind in a backgammon game. Be a little patient and wait for your shot, as this may be your only chance of winning the game.

Hit – If you are not sure about which move to make, hitting is usually a good choice. This is especially true when it relates to the opponent’s side of the board and could be a determining factor in the race.

Keep your permanent Assets at safer – Making a loose hit is sometimes less effective than creating a key point. Thus, it is important to lock up your permanent assets in the game.

Backgames – When you are playing a backgame, there are two important things to remember. Firstly, you should aim to recirculate your checkers. You can avoid crunching your board and improve your timing when getting hit. Secondly, increase your chances of hitting by creating shots (by opening up points). Also consider each and every one of your opponent’s rolls.

Be Competetive – It is a good idea to race in the game when you are definitely ahead. Trust your racing advantage and break contact.

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