Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Slots Games

Here you will find the basics of how to increase your winning chances of winning or even hitting the jackpot.

All slots work pretty much the same whether online or in a real casino. In a real casino you spin the wheels either by pulling on a handle or by pushing a button. In an online casino, which is also a real casino just not physical as those in Las Vegas or elsewhere, you use your mouse. Sounds easy but you need to know more to win.

On Regular or "Straight" slots the winning jackpot is part of a winning schedule and never changes. The jackpot amount is mostly posted clearly on the machine. Regular slots offer more realistic odds than the other kind you will find in any casino. Those are called Progressive slots and as the name implies the winning jackpot grows larger and larger with every coin inserted. Although the jackpot in straight machines always seems less and not as lucrative than the one in progressive slots, the winning chances are much higher on regular.

Progressive Slots

Every slot player who has ever walked into a casino has probably had the fantasy of hitting The Big One, that life changing progressive jackpot that will put you on Easy Street for the rest your life. You imagine the thrill of lining up the winning symbols and dream about how you will spend all that money. Then reality kicks in and deep down you know that you have a better chance of getting struck by lighting than you do hitting the big jackpot. Does this mean you should not play Progressive slot machines? There are actually three different types of progressive machines.

Slot Strategy

There isn`t a sure fire way to beat slots using any strategy when playing slot machines in a live casino or any online slot game. The casinos will always have the edge. However here are a few things that you can do to stretch your dollars and maximize your chances of winning.

Slots Machines Tips

For the most part, the results of playing slot machines is left up to chance. There is no skill involved in the actual playing of slot machines. However, there are a couple things you can do to give you a slight edge and result in the best payouts. Here are a few tips to consider when playing slot machines and how you can get the most for your money.

Slot Machine Odds

Your odds of hitting the big jackpot depend on a number of different factors. First the number of stops on the actual and virtual reels will play a part. The higher the number of stops the lower your chances. Your odds of hitting a particular symbol are higher the more virtual stops that correspond to that particular actual stop. So if three virtual stops correspond to a single actual stop, then your chances of hitting the symbol on that stop is better than hitting a symbol whose virtual stop corresponds to only one actual stop.

Types Of Online Slot Machines

Online slots come in many variations and in fact you have more variety available to you if you play slots online then if you were to play at land based casinos. Slots online are safe and secure to play and in fact they offer better payout percentages then their land based counter parts. Online casinos can offer to payback up to 99% where as land based casinos you`ll find in Vegas offer payouts that only go as high as 95% at most casinos. So playing online you`ll win more money more often.

Best Slot Machine Bonus

The text that appears before you dealing with the subject of slots online bonuses is as helpful as achievable, and extremely perfectly elaborated. It is about to make it easier on you to appreciate all there is to figure out dealing with the nature of slots online bonuses. At the beginning, casinos employed netslotsmachines as a distraction for casual gamblers. Unlike customary board games ( like twenty-one or otherwise dices), internetslots do not require at all betting knowledge, and also anybody could join the game by means of a very low bet.

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