Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Baccarat Strategy

Baccarat is a game of guessing so instead of trying to predict the outcome, a good strategy will be to analyze the outcome of each game and then accordingly either raise your bet if winning or decrease the bet if losing. There are a number of things which a player can do to increase his chances of winning the game along with keeping in mind few things that should be avoided.

A player should always bet on banker’s hand as it is the safest among the three bets giving a house edge of 1.01%. It is safe to bet on bankers hand because chances of the player winning are high. In this bet if a player wins then tax of 5% is charged by casinos. So this has a low house edge as compared to player’s hand.

If a player bet on player’s hand then he/she has a slightly higher house edge of about 1.29%. Here there are no tax deductions, so all the winning price is for the player upon winning the bet.

A player should avoid the tie bet as the house edge is about 5% which is quite high as compared to other bets. The only reason why a player can get attracted towards this bet is the return ratio of eight to one (8-1).

This is a pure guessing game. Which hand will win? The banker hand will win slightly more often -- 50.68 percent of all decisions, not including ties -- giving the house its 1.36 percent edge on player bets. But the house collects a 5 percent commission on winning banker bets, leading to the 1.17 percent house edge on banker.

Mathematicians long have suspected that baccarat, like blackjack, might be vulnerable to a card-counting system. But the best system yet developed appears to yield a slight edge to the bettor on the average of about one hand per eight-deck shoe. That`s an edge not worth pursuing -- to have the advantage, the customer would have to count down hand after hand after hand, without playing, until this tiny advantage came to pass. The customer would lose more in time than he`d gain in the edge, and the casino would be unlikely to hold a seat for someone spending hours without placing a bet.

For the bettor, baccarat is a game of luck plus money management. Do not make bets too large for your available bankroll, and do not increase bets when losing. Making larger bets while chasing losses is a good way to go broke fast. If you`re going to vary your bet size, increase it while winning and bring it down when losing. Set limits on your losses and stick to them.

If you sit down at a mini-baccarat table with $100, tell yourself you`re not going to leave with less than $50. Then, if you have a cold streak and you hit that $50 mark, walk away. An important part of casino survival is developing the discipline to leave a table while you still have money.

Learn to walk away with winnings, too. If you have a good run and build that $100 up to $150, try one of these two techniques. Either put the original $100 in your pocket and just play with the $50 in winnings, while keeping that $50 loss limit, or adjust your thinking to tell yourself you`ll not walk away from the table with less than $125. Then stick to it.

The longer you play a game with a negative expectation, even one as narrow as 1.17 percent, the more likely it is that the casino will grind down your bankroll. Walk away from the table with at least part of that bankroll intact -- not just at baccarat, but at any casino game -- and you`ll be surprised at how much more often you wind up a winner for the day.

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