Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Craps is a casino Dice game. It is the simplification of English Game Hazard.Hazard is an Old English game played with two dice which was mentioned in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales in the 14th century.

The history of Craps, in some circles, is a debatable issue. The widely accepted idea is that the game we now know as Craps is a modification of a game called Hazard. Bernard de Mandeville created the game called Hazard. No, it was not created in France. Hazard was developed in the United States—New Orleans—in 1813. The game gained in popularity and soon it was evolved—possibly simplified—into craps.

Craps used to be widely popular and it quickly became part of the American lifestyle. It branched out into two main forms—casino and street.

Just about every segment of the population in America was familiar with the game of Craps—they at least knew what it was. The fact that Craps has fallen in popularity over the past twenty to thirty years is a testament that the American public does not wish to think much when gambling. As Craps began to wane in popularity, other games that did not require much thought gained.

In the mid-1990s, some Las Vegas casinos experimented with a simplified version of Craps. The game was more like a Blackjack table and lacked many of the exotic wagering at a true Craps table. The idea was that a small table with one dealer is much less intimidating for players to walk up to than a huge area with ten or more people. The idea was played with, but failed. Today, many people still shy away from one of the best games in the casino to play, because they are intimidated. The history of Craps is filled with many good moments and the future of the game should be a continuation as an American icon in the casino.

The Rules Of Playing Craps

Players take turns rolling two dice. The player rolling the dice is called the "shooter." The game is played in rounds, with the first roll of a new round called the "come-out roll." Craps is a game played by 1 or more players.

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Types Of Craps Bets

The game of craps has become hugely popular in casinos ever since the advent of the game many years ago. Online casinos have also followed suit, meeting consumer demands with online versions of the popular game. Regardless of where you like to play craps, it’s important to get an understanding of the basic concepts and rules behind the game before you start playing. Additionally, learning about the various types of craps bets can and will help immensely so you know what the odds are for each particular bet and the smartest decisions to make when placing your bets across the table.

How To Play Craps

Craps is played with two dice so the possible numbers rolled are 2 through 12. The craps table layout looks confusing because there are many different bets that can be made and because the layout at both ends of the table are exact mirrors of each other. (It is merely duplicated in this manner to allow more players at one table.) However, only one bet is played in basic craps play, and it is placed on only one area of the layout.

Craps Strategy

Craps is the game in the casino that gives the player the closest thing to even odds. Getting good craps tips can help you improve your chances of winning big at the casino tables. The strategy in a craps game has several elements that you should understand before placing a bet. The player should know the rules of the game inside and out. Some sort of budget or other system should control the amount of your bets. This will help you minimize your losses if you roll a bad number. Another key element to craps strategy is control. This means not betting on bad bets and utilizing only the bets with the best odds on the table. This can be easy if you thoroughly understand the game.

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